• Fusarium is a fungus capable of wreaking havoc at the heart of many agricultural cultures, because it causes fusariosis which is a formidable fungal disease.
  • The consequences of this scourge are dramatic, because the latter prevents the cannabis plant from being fueled by blocking the Xylth, which blocks the passage of the sap by which the water and the different nutrients are sent.
  • In the article below, we explain to you what Fusarium is in detail, how to detect its presence within a culture, what are the prevention measures to be implemented to avoid its appearance, and what are the existing solutions to eliminate it.
  1. What is Fusarium?
  2. How to identify the presence of Fusarium in a cannabis culture?
  3. What are the preventive measures that must be put in place to avoid its appearance?
  4. What are the best solutions to eliminate Fusarium?

Most experienced cultivators, know perfectly well that making a cannabis plant cultivation is far from being a long, quiet river at different levels. Depending on whether the latter takes place indoors or outdoors, very many factors vary in their respective environment.

Of course, it is necessary to have many knowledge of the cultivation of cannabis in general, as on the different varieties, in order to make the best choice concerning the best high quality hemp seeds that you will buy.

It is also important above all, to find out about the resistance capacity of these cannabis seedsFaced with possible infections by pathogenic fungi like Fusarium, among others, Or a potential attack by different species of parasitic insects. 


The fusarium belongs to a category of filamentous fungus named Nectriaceae, which has no less than thirty pathogenic fungal species. Fortunately, all of these 30 species Do not all affect the plant world.

The bad side of things is that among all these species, that of Fusarium oxysporum attacks cannabis plants at the level of a part that is vital for its diet and survival, that are roots located in the soil. As there is a certain balance at the heart of the plant world, this fungus potentially affects only certain plants, because it can even play a beneficial role for some of them.

Some scientific researchers have presented a theory, saying that this species certainly comes from another harmless strain, which is associated with the external layer of the roots of the plants, named cortex. According to the latter, it would be a mutation of this fungus originally, which would have allowed the latter to enter the vascular tissue of the plant, and which in this way would substitute the previous survival mechanism.

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Fusarium belongs to the most formidable pathogenic species against the cannabis plant. This is certainly the reason why some governments around the world use this fungus as a treatment for drug trafficking. Their means of action is quite simple, they pulverize all illegal cannabis crops by air in order to eliminate them.

Fusarium is one of those vicious fungal diseases because it seriously affects Cannabis plants that come from the best quality seeds, whether it is growing or in flowering, quite simply because infections by this rot, are located in the lower and underground part of the soil or substrate, and more precisely at the level of the bottom of the rod as of the root system. 


Fusarium is one of those pathogenic fungi that causes the name named fusariasis. This infection attacks the underground hair system at the level roots and stem collar cannabis plants, which stops radically water and nutrient absorption capacity of these. The harmful consequences will be felt quickly, because hemp plants will have a weakened visual aspect, with leaves which will gradually wither and dry, thus leading to their total loss. The harvest will then become a mirage of very distant illusions.

Once the fungus comes into contact with the root cortex, the Fusarium penetrates inside the Xylth. Cannabis plants are completely dependent on this vascular tissue, because it allows irrigation and routing of the sap containing the necessary water and nutrients through the stem, to all parts of the plant hemp.

If the hemp plants from quality seeds do not receive fundamental nutrients such as nitrogen during growth, or phosphorus during the flowering period, and that it is exactly the same thing about water, So it must be admitted that in the absence of these vital resources, the beautiful abundant harvest of large heads and generously covered with trichomes of high quality resin, is definitely compromised by the presence and attack of these pathogenic fungi.

The main visual signs that must alert you to the appearance of a fusarium attack in the heart of your indoor or outdoor culture are yellowish and withered leaves, a growth or flowering strongly slowed down of your plants, you can also observe Root rot, of the stem and even heads. The roots located below the surface of the ground will have a Red coloring.

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It will be necessary to carry out a Xyl transverse cut at the level of the stem, in order to confirm the infection by modifying the Coloring (dark) within the latter. You will have to pay special attention to the outside of the stems, because if you visualize a fungal growth of orange, pink or whitish color, So you will be sure to be faced with a fungal infection of the Fusarium type.

You will also attend the Swelling of stems, which could crack and crack by the pressure exerted by the effect produced of the development of this fungus. You will also see at the same time, the expansion of this rot in a global way, as of the necrotic action of the latter on the main rod.


The appearance of fungal fungal disease has more durable effects within an outdoor environment. It is quite easy to understand, because once it is fixed in depth in the ground, it is not easy to eliminate it quickly and durably. We advise you to scrupulously follow the prevention measures that we give you below.

If you cultivate cannabis plants in an external environment, and your culture has been affected by this fungus, it will then be necessary look for another land on healthy ground, because it will take many years before this type of mold is completely neutralized. Spores will remain very long in the soil, benefiting from the insulation and underground protection, which produces or brings them a tense latency in this natural environment. This clearly means that a high risk of potential infection will be there for many years.

Carrying out a hemp culture in pots with a suitable size, is certainly one of the best options allowing us to rule out the risk of development of spores within the substrate, then the arrival of these molds at the level of the stems, leaves and heads of our dear favorite plants. A growing in pots also makes it possible to avoid excess humidity within the substrate, by carrying out precise watering in water and nutrients.


If following an unfortunate episode of a loss of a harvest, a culture made either in an outdoor or indoors environment, you finally find yourself with a certain amount of plants affected, you will then need throw away These same plants decimated to a recycling center far from home. It is necessary to act in this way, in order to prevent spores from being able to reconstruct a possible fungal colony, giving rise again to the same devastating scourge. 

Introduce beneficial mushrooms directly in your soil, such as Trichoderma harzanium or other mushrooms to mycorrhizae. These mushrooms have an antagonistic power, that is to say that they neutralize the harmful effects of the pathogens. They therefore considerably improve the microbial life of the soil, which offers plants a better distribution of water and nutrients, but also to have a immune system more resistant to a large set of plagues.

It is very interesting to introduce these beneficial prevention fungi, when preparing your soil, in this way they can trigger organic protective mechanisms, preparing the arrival of plants in the best conditions for the rest of the cultivation.

Another important thing, it is necessary regularly Measure the pH of your soil Or substrate, because Fusarium is a fungus that greatly appreciates acid soils. Remember to always maintain a stable temperature as a suitable humidity level, at each stage of growth as well as flowering. Try always get a temperature Below 29-30 ° C at the substrate level.

Also consider ensuring a Good air renewal within the indoor space. Keep in mind that plants have less water need in the last two weeks of flowering, which will also limit humidity accumulation. All these little tips will allow you to avoid many symptoms and problems.


Unfortunately it does not exist No miracle treatment Still to date to permanently eliminate this mushroom from our hemp cultures. No biological treatment is available to date, and it is the same thing about a possible treatment from chemicals. The best thing to do is therefore to limit its appearance, following the application of these prevention measures to the letter and with the greatest rigor.

A final recommendation very important for your health, never consume heads infected with fungal diseases, as you could suffer from symptoms corresponding to serious respiratory diseases. It is always better to prevent than to heal … 

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